Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gender Evolution

Third photo assignment.

We were asked to describe our relationship with gender.  I told my teacher the only relationship I had with gender was the relationship with the feminine side.  I was then told to explore the opposite gender.  I decided I'd do a little evolving in my project.  The first picture would be very feminine, and slowly add masculine elements to following pictures until the last picture was completely masculine.

My main focus was obviously elements of clothing.  I started off with feminine clothing and accessories.  Slowly, girly pieces would fade until eventually I was 100% in my brothers clothing.  Along with clothing, posture also evolved. The images start off with very proper, feminine poses and transform into more relaxed, masculine poses.

Monday, December 10, 2012

A bunch of pages to a wonderful day.

Tis the season for countdowns.  Every year I have had a countdown until christmas since I was little.  Whether it was a rectangle with 25 windows filled with tiny milk chocolates or a paper chain going across my room, I have counted every step of the way of this journey to Christmas day.  Counting down makes you THAT much more excited for the day, and it makes the special day THAT much more fulfilling.  This year my countdown is a little different.. instead of Christmas, I am counting down for two exciting major events that happen to be happening on the same day that cannot come here soon enough.. the first being that Ty is coming home. I repeat.  He. Is. Coming. Home.  This means that I will be able to see him.. in person. How can this day get any better you ask?  It can by the the second event that is happening..  we will be flying to Paris later that same day.

Because this day is so eventful, a countdown was in order.  I took pages from a book, and printed numbers on them one by one-- varying fonts occasionally to add some pizzaz. I taped those pages to my wall (that was in major need of some tender loving care) and above those pages, I printed off images and words to create the title of my countdown: "Paris is always a good idea" from the lovely Audrey Hepburn.  Every day that passes, I put a tiny black dot in the corner of a page.  I was going to take a page down everyday, but I love how it makes my wall look so I decided to keep them all up.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Thanksgiving at my Great Grandparents cabin in a town where there is no cell service and if you want milk you're going to have to travel at least 45 minutes for that glass.  It's such a nice getaway, but being out of contact with the boyfriend even for a weekend can be a little tough, since communication is all we really have. The weekend was spent doing puzzles, playing games and hanging out with the family in a yellow car called "The Thing".  The Thing has a heater my grandpa put in that consists of a part from sort of machine.  That civil engineer grandpa, there is no challenge for him.  I love the vintage details at my grandparents cabin.  It feels like home since my family was going here since before I was born.